HBO Comedy Series "Silicon Valley" Kicks-off 4th season with Austin Premiere

The Emmy Award-winning HBO Comedy Series Silicon Valley kicked-off its 4th season with a special screening of the first 2 episodes of the new season, followed by a Q&A with co-creator and Executive Producer Mike Judge and stars Matin Starr and Zach Woods at the Alamo Draft House Theater on South Lamar on April 18, 2017.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley

Limelight Imaging was on hand for the red carpet and meet and greet before the screenings.  Here's what it looked like.

Zach Woods

Zach Woods

Martin Starr and Zach Woods

Martin Starr and Zach Woods

Martin Starr

Martin Starr

Mike Judge

Mike Judge

Zach Woods, Mike Judge and Martin Starr 

Zach Woods and Martin Starr

Zach Woods

Martin Starr, Zach Woods, and Mike Judge

Zach Woods, Mike Judge, and guest

Mike Judge and guests

Mike Judge and guests

Mike Judge and guests

Mike Judge and Spectrum News Austin Reporter Victor Diaz


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