The 9th annual Texas Campaign for the Environment's Trash Makeover Challenge took place on September 14, 2019, at the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs Headquarters in Austin, Texas. The event is held each year to raise funds and bring awareness to the TCE's goal of fighting pollution.
Each year artists from around the state showcase incredible designs created with materials that many would consider to be trash. All garments submitted for the competition must be made from 90% recycled materials or reconstructed textiles.
This years makeover challenge theme was Sheroes and Heroes. Designers chose their favorite fictional or historical figure to portray in a totally unique way.
Event Atmosphere
Live and silent auction items |
Live and silent auction items |
Attendee |
Attendees |
Attendees |
Runway host Jeffrey Jacoby and TCE Executive Director Robin Schneider |
Backstage Action
Backstage with Abe Lincoln and friends |
Florence Nightingale gets ready |
Backstage with Abe Lincoln and friends |
Not Your Basic Barbie |
Wonder Woman and designer Greg Lara |
Designer Megan Pinto puts finishing touches on Elektra |
A few last minute alterations |
Wonder Woman is ready to save the day |
Florence Nightingale and Spiderman wait with designer Veronica Vivanco |
Models take to the runway
Greetings from the host for the evening, Jeffrey Jacoby and the Executive Director of the TCE, Robin Schneider.
Emcee Jeffrey Jacoby |
Robin Schneider, Executive Director of Texas Campaign for the Environment |
Historical sheroes and heroes
Native American Ancestor by designer Nan Blassingame. Materials used: leather, animal furs/hair, Copenhagen lids, feathers, shells, and trade cloth. Model: Kyla Sage.
Native American Ancestor |
Native American Ancestor |
Cheyenne Ancestor by designer Nan Blassingame. Materials used: leather, animal furs/hair, Copenhagen lids, feathers, shells, and trade cloth. Model: Starrla Sage.
Cheyenne Ancestor |
Cheyenne Ancestor |
Abraham Lincoln by designer Megan Pinto. Materials: plastic cores from receipt paper rolls, industrial vacuum tubing, car toy mat, chicken wire, plastic bottle caps. Model: Adam Scardami.
Abraham Lincoln |
Abraham Lincoln |
Florence Nightingale by designer Veronica Vivanco. Materials: Coca Cola bottle and bottle caps, thread, desk lamp, vinyl sign, paint. Model: Paulina Padilla.
Florence Nightingale |
Florence Nightingale |
Amelia Earhart by designer Pamela Torres. Materials: magazines, plastic bottles, vinyl signs. cardboard boxes, plastic bags. Model: Julia Chamoun.
Amelia Earhart |
Amelia Earhart |
Anne Frank by designer Pamela Torres. Materials: magazines, plastic bottles, vinyl signs. cardboard boxes, plastic bags. Model: Mila Jimenez.
Anne Frank |
Anne Frank |
Ruth Bader Ginsburg by designer Shayna Brewer. Materials: Old CD's, vinyl records, HEB bags, duct tape. Model: Shayna Brewer.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg |
Ruth Bader Ginsburg |
Live Auction
A break for a Live Auction of an acoustic guitar signed by several popular Austin artists including Willie Nelson.
Silent auction item |
Silent auction item |
Fictional Sheroes and Heroes
Barbie by designer Melissa Prentice. Materials: car headliner from junkyard, styrofoam packing materials, yogurt and pudding cup lids, mesh melon packaging, refrigerator water lines, telephone and computer cables, cardboard box. Model: Misty Dawn Taylor.
Barbie |
Barbie |
Barbie |
Grecian Goddess Medea by designer John Mascorro. Materials: recycled cape, recycled dress, recucled skirt, recycled chains, recycled heels. Model: Abigail Spencer.
Grecian Goddess Medea |
Grecian Goddess Medea |
Grecian Goddess Medea |
Wonder Woman by designer Greg Lara. Materials: plastic vinyl, plastic table mats, straws, sheet metal, paper. Model: Mysti Roberts.
Wonder Woman |
Wonder Woman |
Spiderman by designer Veronica Vivanco. Material: burlap coffee bags, wire, inflatable matress, a painting. Model: Norma Diaz.
Spiderman |
Spiderman |
Wasp by designer Stacy Tompkins. Materials: shower curtain, pallet banding, plastic Easter grass, insulated foil, glass. Model: Stacy Tompkins.
Wasp |
Wasp |
Wasp |
Poison Ivy by designer Carolyn O'Hara. Materials: recycled swag and grocery bags, Christmas light strands, computer cables, bird netting. Model: Kari Burke.
Poison Ivy |
Poison Ivy |
Poison Ivy |
Mystique (X-Men) by designer John Mascorro. Materials: recycled lace, recycled beads, recycled stones, recycled ribbon. Model: Mary Elias.
Mystique |
Mystique |
Elektra by designer Megan Pinto. Materials: bubble wrap, yoga mat, chicken wire, toy play mat, outdoor tarp. Model: Bel Glover.
Elektra |
Elektra |
Elektra |
Elektra |
Meet the Designers
Nan Blassingame
Native American Notions |
Vernoica Vivanco
Veronica Vivanco |
Pamela Torres
Classic Childhood |
Shayna Brewer
Shayna Brewer |
Greg Lara
Shear Revolution |
Megan Pinto
The Legion of Defenders |
Melissa Prentice
Not Your Basic Barbie |
John Mascorro
jxhn |
Stacy Tompkins
Stacy Tompkins |
Carolyn O'Hara
Hawgfly |
Contestants asking for votes for People's Choice Award |
Fashion show producer Ceci Guevara discusses results with emcee Jeffrey Jacoby |
And the winners are:
Third place: Spiderman by designer Veronica Vivanco.
Spiderman |
People's Choice: Florence Nightingale by designer Veronica Vivanco.
Florence Nightingale |
Grand Prize Winner: Elektra by designer Megan Pinto.
Elektra with Megan Pinto |
Elektra with Megan Pinto |
Megan Pinto receives her cash award from Ceci Guevara |
Elektra and Megan Pinto with judges Alberta Phillips, Samuel Alexander, Linda Asaf, Wendy Davis, and Diana Fyre. |
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