Tennis and Overcoats Play Emo's

The indie pop band Tennis and their friends Overcoats stopped by Emo's on February 3, 2018, to conclude their most recent tour.


Alaina Moore of Tennis


Emo's recently had a make-over with new graphics adorning the walls and brightening up the venue.



Tennis is the Denver-based husband and wife duo of Alaina Moore and Patrick Riley. The duo released their debut album in 2011. Their 4th album, Yours Unconditionally, was released in 2017.

Alaina Moore of Tennis

Patrick Riley of Tennis

Alaina Moore of Tennis

Patrick Riley of Tennis





No Exit
My Emotions
Never Work For Free
Fields of Blue
Needle an d a Knife
My Better Self
Mean Streets
I'm Calling
Modern Woman
Ladies Don't Play Guitar
I Miss That Feeling
In The Morning I'll Be Better

Diamonds Rings
Cape Dory
Bad Girls

Alaina Moore of Tennis

Alaina Moore of Tennis

Alaina Moore of Tennis


Opening for Tennis was Overcoats. This New York-based female electronic folk duo consists of Hana Elion and J J Mitchell.  Their debut album Young was released in April 2017.

Hana Elion and J J Mitchell of Overcoats

Hana Elion and J J Mitchell of Overcoats

Hana Elion and J J Mitchell of Overcoats

Hana Elion and J J Mitchell of Overcoats

Hana Elion and J J Mitchell of Overcoats

Hana Elion of Overcoats



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